Tuesday, December 3, 2013


本公證人為 Oregon 合法公證人,可辦理文件驗證,包括出生證明中譯本、結婚證書中譯本、預防接種證明及中譯本。經公證人驗證後,可郵寄到駐外館辦理,不需親自前往駐外館。

根據駐西雅圖台北辦事處網站 及 內政部戶政司 國籍申請的說明,帶小孩回台辦戶口登記,經郵寄向駐外館辦理,需準備以下文件:

① 中華民國護照申請書乙份(請自本處網站下載表格)
② 中華民國台灣地區入出境申請書乙份(請自本處網站下載表格)
③ 經轄區駐外館處驗證之父母英文結婚證書或已在台辦妥結婚登記之戶籍謄本
④ 經轄區駐外館處驗證之新生兒英文出生證明
⑤ 父或母中華民國護照資料頁影本乙份(視新生兒係依父或母取得我國國籍而定)
⑥ 子女姓氏約定書(請自本處網站下載表格)
⑦ 照片4張(規格請詳本處網站公告資訊)
⑧ 規費10美元 (現金或支票payable to “TECO”)

中譯本文件認證:請申請人將該文書中譯本先送本轄公證人或主管機關公證'認證或驗證。實務上,請申請人自備請求驗訖英文原件之等量中譯本,並於該中譯本頁尾適當位置列印譯者中(英)文姓名(In Print),並於右側保留空白欄位以利在公證人或主管機關人員面前簽章後,併其他申請應備文件郵寄本處辦理。
Oregon 公證人可辦理文件驗證,包括出生證明中譯本、結婚證書中譯本、預防接種證明及中譯本。經公證人驗證後,可郵寄到駐外館辦理。

各項文件中譯本請申請人自行翻譯或找親友翻譯,也可找我認識的專人翻譯,翻譯每頁 25 元。


I, FULL LEGAL NAME (English and Chinese), hereby certify that I translated the attached document from English into 
Chinese and that, to the best of my ability, it is a true and correct translation. I further certify that I am 
competent in both Chinese and English to render and certify such translation.

State of Oregon
County of Washington

FULL LEGAL NAME (English and Chinese)
Sworn to before me this ___th day of MONTH 200__
Notary Public - State of Oregon

在駐外館文件驗證部分提到的預防接種證明,需要有正本的認證,請申請人向醫院申請,使用 Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status 印疫苗記錄,並在信封封口處加蓋封口章,再帶未開封的信封來找我。


I certify that the above information is an accurate record of this child's immunization history

Signature ________________ <-- 此處會請父親或母親簽名

State of Oregon
County of Washington

Signed and attested before me on ____________, 20__

Notary Public - State of Oregon


State of Oregon
County of Washington

I certify that this is a true and original copy of the document in the possession of ____________

Date: _____________, 20__

Notary Public - State of Oregon


Tuesday, June 4, 2013



The following to be completed by a Notary Public, Consular Official, or First-Class Magistrate. 
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this _______________day of ____________________ , 20______ by ______________

Signature of Notary Public, Consular Official, or First-Class Magistrate:
Official Title _____________________

授權人簽字(Principal Signature):
(以下由權責機關填寫/For Authorized Staff Only) 
I certify that on this day the individual, named (Printed Name of Individual)
appeared before me and acknowledged to me that the foregoing document was executed and signed by him/her personally on a free and voluntary basis, and that the document shall be used for the purposes mentioned therein. 

______________________________, ___________________
(Signature and Seal of Notary Public)       (Date)


_(日期)__ day of  (月份)___, 20 (年)___ by ___(申請者簽名)___

Signature of Notary Public ___(公證人簽名)___ (公證章)


文件中翻英、英翻中 - 退伍令


Documents the Applicant Must Submit to the NVC- 其中有提到兵役證明和翻譯

AIT 文件公證

駐西雅圖台北辦事處沒有辦理退伍令的驗證,他們建議申請人詢問代辦綠卡的單位或 USCIS 是否需要由 AIT 在台驗證退伍令,或者自行翻譯後由公證人公證。

公證人不負責檢查翻譯內容是否正確,也無權查證退伍令是否有效。但公證人可以公證翻譯者 "陳述翻譯文件為屬實" 的親簽及見證翻譯者的宣示。

翻譯者宣示內容範例:(modified from WDRS website)

For a third person (not the applicant, but someone else) to translate the applicant’s documents:

State of Oregon
County of Washington

I, FULL LEGAL NAME, hereby certify that I translated the attached document from LANGUAGE into 
English and that, to the best of my ability, it is a true and correct translation. I further certify that I am 
competent in both LANGUAGE and English to render and certify such translation.

Sworn to before me this ___th day of MONTH 200__
Notary Public - State of Oregon

To be used when the Applicant translates the document him or herself and a third person (not the applicant, but someone else) reviews the translation to confirm that it is true and accurate:

State of Oregon
County of Washington

I, NAME, hereby certify that I reviewed the attached documents.
I further certify that the English translation of the LANGUAGE document appears, to the best of my 
abilities, to be true and accurate. I further certify that I am competent in both English and LANGUAGE
to render and certify such translation.

Sworn to before me this ___th day of MONTH 200__
Notary Public - State of Oregon

由於公證人為 impartial witness,而且公證人不能公證自己的簽名,所以公證人不應同時擔任翻譯者或檢察翻譯的人。公證人無權幫委託者準備需要公證的文件,請委託者準備妥善,並向法律顧問確定文件申請的步驟。

Wednesday, May 29, 2013



在文件影本上,應寫下 Oregon State 規定的格式,內容如下:

State of Oregon
County of _____

I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a document in the possession of ____________,
Dated: ________________

Notary Public - State of Oregon

特別注意:Oregon State 規定,public information record 不能做影本認證,包括出生 (死亡) 證明、結婚 (離婚) 證明、畢業證書。這些證書應向原發照機關申請認證書。
若是由 Oregon 發出的出生 (死亡 ) 證明,可以向 Oregon Secretary of State 申請認證 (apostille)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

什麼是 "公證人" 及可能需要公證的文件


在 Oregon Notary Public Guide 上面提到,A notary is "a person of proven integrity appointed by the state to act as an impartial witness"。每州對於各州公證人都有一些不同的規定和認證方式。

公證人需要在公證人檢察委託人的身份文件 (駕照或護照),確認委託人了解自己簽字的文件,確認簽名為本人親簽。



* Loan Documents - 房地產貸款申請書或 refinance 申請書
* Affidavits - 宣誓書
* Adoption Paperwork - 領養申請書
* Advance Healthcare Directives
* Application Form 申請書 ex. 護照申請、執照申請、綠卡申請
* Authorization Letter - 委託書
* Vital Records Copy Requests -

Please note: It is illegal for notary public to certify public records, such as Oregon birth or death certificate. 出生 (死亡) 證明需要找政府發證機關申請正本,不可以自行影印做影本認證。

* DMV Ownership Transfers - 車子的所有權轉讓
* Powers of Attorney
* Wills - 遺囑
* Estate Plans
* Statements of Financial Support - 財力證明
* Deeds, ex. Grant Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, etc.


台灣在 Oregon 的領務由駐西雅圖台北辦事處辦理。委託書申請可以找公證人公證簽民屬實親簽,再寄到駐外館驗證。

這裡有外交部有關授權書的表格:授權書 (旅外國人授權國內親友代為處理事情時用)

中華人民共和國在俄瑞岡州的業務由舊金山領事館辦理。若文件申請不能親臨辦理,可以找當地公證人公證簽名屬實親簽後,再郵寄到 Salem 的 Oregon State of Secretary 驗證 (Apostille) 公證有效 ,最後寄到領事館認證。


我身為合法公證人,可以驗證簽名屬實。請委託人準備好委託書、中英文的身分證明 (護照)、公證費及旅費,再和我聯絡。我會在委託書上的空白書寫下 Oregon 規定的公證文字,驗正委託者身分,再蓋公證章。

以下為 Oregon 州務卿認證的資訊:

Oregon State Authentication or Apostille information

When a document is to go to a foreign country, it is often necessary to have the notarization or official certification authenticated.  Some countries call this an apostille. The Oregon Secretary of State can certify to Oregon notaries public and the State Registrar for vital records (Oregon Center for Health Statistics). The procedures are outlined below. It normally takes 2 to 3 days to process a request. If you need an apostille or authentication certificate for a county document, please call our office, (503) 986-2593, before sending it in. Most county records cannot be authenticated.

~ from Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown


這裡有駐外館提關的資訊 - 辦理學歷驗證,裡面提到 "若於美國境內郵寄申請者,中文譯本須先經本處轄區之公證人驗證翻譯者簽字屬實後,本處始可受理。"


有些機關學校只需申請者辦理畢業證書的認證,由公證人認可影本屬實。但經過與 Oregon Notary help line 確認,公證人不可以認可畢業證書的影本。畢業證書認證應由原發證書學校認證。